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DeMarco Lab

designing, building and implementing
biofluid diagnostics

We apply our expertise in protein biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and laboratory medicine to build new biofluid tests for immediate use in patient care.


Our work is 100% driven by clinical demand, that is, we work collaboratively with health care providers and patients to build biofluid diagnostics to fill unmet needs in medicine.


We work in beautiful Vancouver, Canada, at St. Paul's Hospital - a teaching hospital of the University of British Columbia.


Learn more about our research

Dr. DeMarco

Mari DeMarco is a Clinical Chemist with expertise in protein misfolding disorders and in vitro diagnostics.


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We have an interest in all things proteinacious, particularly if the protein or peptide in question can help us answer an unresolved challenge in medicine.


We apply our expertise in the development of novel protein-based diagnostics in many areas of medicine including respirology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and neurology.




While we use a variety of techniques to solve biomarker-related challenges in medicine (e.g., immunoassays and spectroscopy) our specialty is clinical mass spectrometry.


We design, build and implement clinical-quality assays suitable for use in patient care. 





We are passionate about developing biofluid tests for the timely and accurate diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, and Lewy body dementia.


We investigate the entire biomarker pathway, including the translation of these new tests into the health care system.


Join Us!

We are always interested in hearing from individuals enthusiastic about joining the lab.


Follow the link below to learn what information you should prepare ahead of contacting the lab.

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