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Comprehensive testing strategy for Alzheimer’s

Study confirms value of biomarker testing in dementia care
Dr. Mari DeMarco and medical lab technologist Danny Koder reviewing analysis of a patient’s sample being tested for Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers at St. Paul’s Hospital.

Originally published by Brain Canada:

The IMPACT-AD project, now complete, investigated the impact of biomarker testing across multiple facets of care and well-being. Specifically, Dr. DeMarco and the IMPACT-AD team looked at how the Alzheimer’s disease test impacted medical decision-making, personal decision-making, and health economics.

The team’s findings, summarized in a series of research articles linked below, revealed significant and positive changes in clinical management with biomarker testing, including decreased use of healthcare resources, optimization of therapy, and increased use of counseling by patients and family members. Patients and their families reported that the test provided much needed answers and assistance with longer-term planning for themselves and their families.

IMPACT-AD BC investigative team:

Khushbu J. Patel, David Yang, John R. Best, Colleen Chambers, Emily Dwosh, Julie M. Robillard, Philip E. Lee, Alexandre Henri-Bhargava, Clark R. Funnell, Dean J. Foti, Jacqueline A. Pettersen, Howard H. Feldman, Haakon B. Nygaard, Ging-Yuek R. Hsiung, Mari L. DeMarco

IMPACT-AD BC study - published primary study findings:

To read the complete Brain Canada press release:

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